Let’s explore the best ways to improve sleep quality. Since the primitive era, humans have used sleep to recover and prepare for the next day. However, poor sleep quality can not only deteriorate physical health but also negatively impact various activities in life. To live a healthy and productive life, it is crucial to enhance sleep quality, and this article will examine the methods to do so.
1. What are the best ways to improve sleep quality?
Everyone probably knows that it is important to enhance sleep quality. However, some people may not know how to improve it or find it difficult to implement the methods.
1) Importance of Sleep
Humans recover and organize their bodies through sleep. But if sleep quality declines, the recovery function can deteriorate, and with it, immunity and various hormonal balances can decrease.
In such situations, productivity and concentration can decrease during daytime activities, turning life into a stressful situation.
For happiness in life, it is necessary to maximize sleep quality, and merely getting sleeping pills prescribed by a psychiatrist may not be sufficient.
2) Reasons for Poor Sleep Quality
The reasons for declining sleep quality can include sleep apnea, disruptions caused by caffeine or alcohol, light exposure, and unbalanced stress management.
While you may have thought about the need to improve sleep quality, specific methods may still be unclear. This article will examine these methods.

2. Exploring the best ways to improve sleep quality
Let’s explore various methods to enhance sleep quality, including identifying sleep types and behaviors to avoid.
1) Determining Sleep Type by Time
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the first method among several strategies is identifying your sleep type.
Did you know that people have their own suitable sleeping timeframes? According to sleep specialist Michael Breus, these are categorized into bear, lion, wolf, and dolphin types.
Dr. Breus says that just changing the sleep time according to one’s biological characteristics can significantly improve sleep quality.
Bear types follow the cycle of the sun rising and setting. Lion types are morning people. Wolf types are active at night, and dolphin types are irregular.
Tip) Check your sleep type and try to sleep at the appropriate time! If you want to learn more about what sleep type you are, follow the link below!
2) Sleeping Posture: Sleeping on the Side
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the second method among several strategies is sleeping on your side.
People who suffer from sleep apnea often wake up due to stopped breathing. This can be dangerous if it recurs and other measures may be needed.
Sleep specialist and UCLA Medical School professor Phillip Westbrook developed the Apnea Risk Evaluation System (ARES) while addressing sleep apnea.
Dr. Westbrook found that people with sleep apnea who sleep lying flat can experience dangerously low blood oxygen levels and wake up many times.
Sleep experts emphasize avoiding lying flat on your back because gravity can narrow the airway and reduce oxygen saturation.
Devices like Night Shift (which transmits a weak vibration to the neck when lying flat) and a jaw joint splint (a transparent mouthpiece that adjusts the position of the lower jaw to secure the airway) can be helpful.
Tip) If you have snoring or sleep apnea, try sleeping on your side or using Night Shift or a jaw joint splint!
3) Raising the Head 30 Degrees
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the third method among several strategies is to sleep with your head raised 10-30 degrees.
Dr. Gunther W. Amann-Jennson focused on the fact that wild animals and livestock instinctively sleep with their heads slightly elevated, studying the effects of gravity on human sleep.
Dr. Amann-Jennson discovered that lying horizontally with the heart and head at the same level during sleep can increase intracranial pressure, leading to excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain, ventricles, and neurons.
Anthropologist Dr. Sydney Ross Singer found that most people who raised their heads 10-30 degrees during sleep experienced improved sleep quality.
According to Dr. Amann-Jennson, not only does this effect occur, but sleeping with the head elevated can also reduce hypertension, alleviate symptoms of varicose veins, and help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Tip) If you have chronic nasal congestion, sleep apnea, or headaches, try raising your head 10-30 degrees!

4) Reducing Light Exposure
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the fourth method among several strategies is reducing the amount of light exposure.
Many sleep experts emphasize that the more artificial light you are exposed to, the more likely your sleep quality will decline.
Dr. Satchin Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, who discovered various genes, says that even a very small amount of artificial light at night can slow down melatonin secretion and disrupt sleep patterns.
At least 30 minutes before bedtime, it is advisable to avoid bright light, and generally, it is best to minimize exposure to blue light from electronic devices.
When sleeping, it is helpful to block any light in the bedroom using black tape.
Tip) Adjust the blue light brightness on your phone screen to reduce the amount of blue light you are exposed to regularly!
5) Limiting Caffeine and Alcohol Intake
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the fifth method among several strategies is avoiding caffeine and alcohol.
You should finish consuming caffeine at least 8 hours before bed. However, depending on the individual, it may be better to limit caffeine earlier.
While alcohol may initially make it easier to fall asleep, its stimulating effects or decreased REM sleep can reduce sleep quality. For sleep health, it is good to limit alcohol.
Tip) If you are struggling with poor sleep quality, try avoiding coffee and alcohol!
6) Avoiding Dopamine-Releasing Activities
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the sixth method among several strategies is avoiding activities that release dopamine.
At least two hours before bed, you should avoid dopamine-producing activities such as exercise, watching movies, or media consumption. Rising dopamine levels can disrupt sleep.
Tip) Avoid activities like using electronic devices or exercising before bed, and never bring your phone to bed!
7) Diet
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the seventh method among several strategies is appropriately consuming carbohydrates during dinner.
Everyone has their own diet. There are various diets, such as protein-based diets without carbohydrates or fat diets, but eating carbohydrates appropriately in the evening can help with sleep.
While it may vary per individual, consuming honey water before bed can be helpful.
8) Relaxation Techniques
Best ways to improve sleep quality: the eighth method among several strategies is relaxing the body before sleep.
You can help induce sleep by practicing breathing techniques for relaxation, and other methods such as muscle relaxation techniques, memory relaxation techniques, and acupressure mats can also be helpful.

3. Conclusion and Q&A
We have explored Best ways to improve sleep quality, including identifying sleep types, sleep postures, light exposure, behaviors to avoid, and relaxation techniques. Below, we will address frequently asked questions and understand the key points.
1) How should I improve my sleep quality?
Since everyone’s biological characteristics and lifestyle are different, it is necessary to identify what is currently problematic in your sleep.
The first thing to identify is your sleep type. You need to find the most suitable sleeping timeframe for you. Additionally, you should generally sleep on your side or with your head raised 10-30 degrees and reduce disruptions (light, caffeine, alcohol, exercise, etc.).
2) I can’t sleep due to stress and distracting thoughts!
If stress is severe, various thoughts can arise before sleep, ruining your sleep. In such cases, stress management is necessary, and for that, mindfulness meditation or thought record training may be required.
You can learn about mindfulness meditation and how to write thought records through the article below.
► Source and Reference Information
Game Changer by Dave Asprey / Business Books Publishing
The Bulletproof Diet by Dave Asprey / Angle Books Publishing
– Be the Titan Brain